A New Beginning

For the first few months of marriage, we lived with Doug's parents.I worked the 3 pm to 11 pm shift at General Electric, catching a ride with a neighbor - as we only had one car. Doug played music in the local bars and on the military bases around Hampton Roads.

He tried working the 7 am to 3 pm shift at G.E. so we could save some extra money and get our own place and a second car; but he always claimed he was too tired and it affected his singing at night - so he quit after a couple of months.

Tommy, the lead guitar player, worked two jobs - but since he had a wife and four kids, he really didn't have much of a choice. John, the bass player, worked two jobs because he liked having the extra money for keeping all of his women happy. But neither one of them had to sing.

It was frustrating for a new wife seeing the difficulties in trying to get ahead financially, living with in-laws I barely knew, and wanting desperately to have privacy with my husband. But finally the day came when we could move out. We found a one-bedroom apartment on Dunedin Road in Portsmouth.

Our apartment was sparsely furnished. We had a couch, and a bed with a nightstand. Everything was second-hand except the new dishes and towels we bought and a Singer sewing machine - that Doug gave me for Valentine's day.
But what we had or didn't have really wasn't what mattered to us. What really mattered was that we had our privacy.

We could walk around the house - never having to look around the corner or over our shoulders - if you get the drift. We could make love whenever and wherever we wanted; and there was no one there to hear us in our heated moments of passion. We truly lived every moment we had together - breathless.

On Dunedin Road, we had begun our new life together.

to be continued...

P.S. Of course it was expected that we would eventually move out of our "first" apartment. But I never imagined my journey would put me in 43 residences in 34 years and 6 states may of them back and forth again and again. But that will be for another chapter in the story of my life.

Breck Waters