The Wedding

My name is Becky Pittman. Public records will show that I married Douglas Eugene Pittman Jr. on May 1, 1972, in Elizabeth City, North Carolina.

Our wedding had been planned for Saturday June 10, 1972.

Norview Methodist
We were going to be married in the United Methodist Church In Norview. I had attended the church all of my life; spending summers in Bible School. My Pops was a Deacon there. I was baptized there as a young girl.

The Minister had set up the dates to meet and talk with Doug and me between the dates of May 1 and June 7.

I had already picked out my wedding dress. It was made of Chantilly lace. I had chosen that because Doug played country music; and because that is what had brought us together.

On the weekend of April 28, 1972; I went to stay in Chesapeake, at the home of Doug's parents. That weekend changed the wedding plans.

Most brides-to-be are anxious and thrilled and blissfully happy. I was no exception. I was counting the days that would make me the wife of the man I had fallen head-over-heels in love with.

As the four of us discussed the wedding plans; Doug's parents - mostly his mother - brought up the idea that going to Elizabeth City to get married might be a better option for us; at least financially.

They had a point. No one had a lot of money to throw around. And the bride-to-be and her fiance didn't even have a thing with which to furnish their own home.

All we had was the love in our hearts, for each other.

The conversation filled me with the excitement of imagining that I could be Doug's wife in just two days. It didn't take much to sway me into thinking, 'Did a big wedding really matter as long as I was the wife of the man I loved?'

By Saturday night,we had made the decision to go to Elizabeth City. We would be married on Monday.

I had a dress that would be perfect. It was made of white eyelet. I had worn it for a commencement exercise, so it already had a special meaning.

On Sunday afternoon, I went home and got the things I would need for Monday morning, and came back to my future in-laws home. They would be going with us early Monday morning.

There was one other thing my heart wanted. I wanted to stop by a church on the way to the Courthouse to see if a minister was available to marry us - in the church.

Berea Baptist Elizabeth City
It was Berea Baptist Church. The minister was available and agreed to marry us. Before the wedding, he talked with Doug and me about what marriage meant and the importance of having a Christian home. He then asked something of the groom-to-be that made me laugh.

"Are you going to stop dating," the minister asked of him.

Somewhat taken back he answered, "Well...Yeah."

And although serious with his intent to make a point; the minister replied with a smile.

"No, young man. " he said. "That is something you should never stop doing. You should make it a priority - always - to date your wife!"

to be continued...

P.S. I am sorry to say that my husband never stopped dating other women. He cheated on me many times over the 34 years we were together until he finally left me "homeless" for a 28 year old. They are currently living together in Orlando Florida. I am still the wife of Doug Pittman - though on his websites he calls himself Breck Waters and it seems most recently Gene Pittman., as well.

Breck Waters